above the sky
I wondered
If the birds will fly...
this high.
Will they?
Can they?
Will they let them fly?
Can they?
They wont, I think.
They can’t, I think.
Will they let them fly?
Can they?
They wont, I think.
They can’t, I think.
If they do,
they must feel again
their dead soul...
and they hadn’t even cried
When it died.
It’s too painful
for them
to let us fly.
They had their wings tied...
Had their souls buried
Under the weight of coins,
gold, silver and diamonds...
The only way
they feel alive today
is by using their might
to stop those who fly.
Let me watch the sunset
till they cover my eyes...
Their's, do not see anymore.
So "their" souls were not really dead...how can one feel the dead soul if the soul is dead???
How can one feel the dead soul if the soul had really died??? But "they" haven't even cried when their souls died so they didn't even noticed their death of souls at all...really sad!
Just feel free to fly......
I am feeling strongly your message of this two groups of "they" in your work. At first I was sympathizing and identifying with the group of "birds" which are struggling to fly...but do you think that the birds have been manipulated by the other group of "they"? Or are they just another poor puppet of their fate? Would it be better when we start to think and feel in a nondualistic way?
I am feeling strongly your message of this two groups of "they" in your work. At first I was sympathizing and identifying with the group of "birds" which are struggling to fly...but do you think that the birds have been manipulated by the other group of "they"? Are they not just another poor puppets of their own fates?
Would it not be better when we start to think and feel in a nondualistic way
Apart from the comment, I like "the sunset" and would grad it to a beautiful poem of great literature value:)
Thank you for your comments.
The day migration of birds and animals is made into a crime, there are enough guns, gunpowder and trigger happy people to ensure that it is followed. For man, these rules already exist and are accepted without a thought, as if they are the most natural thing.
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